Sunday, 6 January 2013

What do I bring with me to Australia?

It can be heart breaking trying to decide what to bring with you and what to leave behind. First bear in mind before you start that the Australian Government has very strict rules regarding what you can carry into the country as they want to protect the native Australian flora and fauna.

Click on the link below for items you cannot carry into Australia or those you need to declare on the passenger card you are given on the plane before landing. Do follow the list! They are pretty strict and if in doubt... DECLARE! Especially food based stuff, even if its a packet of mints or a chocolate bar!

Another useful website before you arrive is

Pack the items you treasure the most like photographs, jewelery  certificates, work experience letters, birth certificates or any keep-sakes that means a lot to you in your carry on luggage. Leave behind anything you don't really need. You can keep the items in storage with family members or a storage company and send for it later when your settled down.
Ensure you carry along your child/children's immunisation register as its needed for kindergarten/school age children as a mandatory document on admission.
Carry a minimum of clothing and shoes as you can soon buy what you need. Think of the weather when you arrive and only pack weather appropriate clothing. As the season change you can purchase new ones.
All the Australian capital cities have large populations of various countries residing here which means you can purchase things like spices etc after you arrive so no need of carrying such items.
Australia is a long way from anywhere! Hence when booking your flights book for seats right up front, much easier when travelling with babies and small kids. carry lightweight  pencils, books and toys for kids to occupy themselves with on the plane and airports.
Kids prams can be brought along and will not be weighed in with rest of your luggage.
The pic below is my last view of the Periyar river Cochin India from our 6th floor flat!